
Robert and Janice Beecham were high school sweethearts and have been married for 46 years. (Family Photo)

An African American couple from Texas have celebrated another wedding anniversary, and this year the two have a lot to thank God for.

Robert and Janice Beecham, high school sweethearts who have been married for 46 years, have each face life-threatening medical challenges this year. However, together they have survived, loving each other even more than when they were teens.

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The Beechams spoke to CNN where they explained that they followed safety precautions, yet they still came down with COVID-19.

Robert experienced symptoms first. After more than a week of not feeling well, the couple got tested for coronavirus. Robert was feeling bad enough that he went to the hospital where he was admitted. 

Janice also contracted the virus, but her symptoms were mild and she never had to be hospitalized.

He and his doctor collaborated to get him healthy enough to get home to Janice. After being admitted on March 25, Robert was back with his wife in time for their anniversary on April 15. 

The Beecham’s have also battled other health challenges. Janice was recently diagnosed with a second bout of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She had to delay her treatment due to having coronavirus. She has since been able to be treated for cancer and is on the road to recovery.  Robert is a double-stroke survivor.

“It’s a blessing to be here because a lot of people didn’t make it,” Janice Beecham told CNN about being diagnosed with coronavirus. 

“It would have been impossible to make it with all the odds against you without God, and he has been our help, all these many years,” Robert said.

In a local news interview with WFAA, Robert Beecham continued to credit his doctor, Satyam Nayak, for helping him fight and to recover at home with Janice. “I mean the guy just, from A to Z covered every base.” He said, “This is going to sound kind of political, because I intend it to, but that’s how you make America great.”

“He’s helped me more than I think I’ve helped him,” Nayak told WFAA. Beecham was Nayak’s first successful COVID-19 discharge. 

The couple is happy to be home together and honoring a promise they made to each other years ago for long life and happiness. 

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