
Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump on SNL thegrio.com

Donald Trump was the butt of the opening joke on Saturday Night Live tonight.

Ben Stiller played Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen put the president on a three-way call with Stormy Daniels to get her to drop her lawsuit.

When the president, played by Alec Baldwin, begged that she drop her case she declined and snapped, “I know you don’t believe in climate change, but a storm’s a-comin’!”

The adult film star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is the subject of a Wall Street Journal report claiming that she received a $130,000 settlement from Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen before the election.

But Cohen denied the report and even produced an email to the Wall Street Journal that appeared to be from “Stormy Daniels” saying that she hadn’t gotten said hush money.

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Trump’s attempts to bully Stormy Daniels have been to no avail.

Daniels’ tweeted that his bullying for speaking out wasn’t going to work.

“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago,” said Daniels. “There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star.”space“> 

“But I digress,” she continued. “People DO care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to cover it up, etc.  And PS…I am NOT going anywhere. xoxoxo”

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And Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avennati has been aggressively defending his client and is ready to take on Trump.

Avenatti, who frequently takes President Trump to task on Twitter, was responding to the statementNew York City mayor Rudy Guliani issued Friday afternoon in order to clarify comments he’d made over the last few days.

“Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Trump are making it up as they go along. Never before has that old adage been more appropriate: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” – W. Scott. How stupid do they think all of us are? #basta,” Avenatti tweeted.

The lawyer has maintained his attacks on Trump for months now, and even suggested the president would be forced to resign over the payment to Clifford.


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