
Printed Matter was started in 1976. In the photo above, a small slice of its vast offerings is being enjoyed.


A nice little art-bookstore boomlet seems to be developing in the East Village of Manhattan. The gallery and publisher Karma recently opened a handsome bookshop on East 3rd Street, and today the redoubtable nonprofit Printed Matter, which is based in Chelsea, announced it will launch a second store. The new addition, in the Swiss Institute’s new space at 38 St. Mark’s Place, at the corner of Second Avenue, is slated to open June 21.

The venue will be dubbed Printed Matter / St. Mark’s and will carry artist’s books, prints, posters, and the like, as well as offerings from the Swiss Institute’s publishing imprint. Max Schumann, Print Matter’s executive director, said in a statement that the new partnership “presents an amazing opportunity to bring the creative, experimental, and critical work being done in the field of artists’ publications to a broader audience, which is at the heart of Printed Matter’s mission.”

At its Chelsea location, Printed Matter has long offered a rich array of talks, workshops, and so forth, and the organization said in a news release that a “robust program of public events” will be on offer in the Swiss Institute building, which was designed by Selldorf Architects.

“We are deeply excited to welcome Printed Matter as part of the new SI building,” Simon Castets, the Swiss Institute’s executive director, said in a statement. “As a nonprofit dedicated to contemporary forms of expression, SI couldn’t dream of a better partner than Printed Matter: more than just a space, we share a commitment to artists’ voices and strive to amplify them.”


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