
Meghan McCain
‘The View’ host Meghan McCain (ABC)

As the brash conservative voice on The View, Meghan McCain hasn’t endeared herself much to liberal audiences, but when Donald Trump Jr., allegedly waded in to birther territory regarding presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, even she had to call foul.

According to Mediaite, Sunday, McCain, surprised her critics when she slammed Trump for sharing a tweet questioning Harris’ racial heritage and whether she truly qualified as an “American Black.” He later deleted the shared tweet from his account.

READ MORE: Kamala Harris’ campaign is not here for the birther innuendo

The senator was widely declared the winner of last Thursday’s Democratic debate, after she eloquently spoke on racial issues “as the only Black person on stage.”

But following the broadcast, conservative media pundit Ali Alexander, tweeted that Harris was not an American Black, and instead should be seen as half Indian and half Jamaican. He then accused her of robbing African Americans of their history.

“These are my people not her people,” he concluded. “Freaking disgusting.”

Trump Jr. reposted the tweet with the caption, “Is this true? Wow.”

“Don’s tweet was simply him asking if it was true that Kamala Harris was half-Indian because it’s not something he had ever heard before,” Trump Jr. spokesman Andy Surabian told the New York Times after the tweet had been deleted.

READ MORE: ‘It won’t work’: Kamala Harris’ campaign claps back at racist birther claims

But Harris’ campaign pointed out these are the exact same sort of attacks circulated about President Barack Obama by birther conspiracies which were egged on by Donald Trump. On her Twitter account, McCain agreed.


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