I’ve spent the last few days reeling from watching Kanye West commit Japanese ritual suicide with his career in what might be the saddest thing to happen in hip-hop since Bow-Wow retired.
A lot of Kanye apologists (who’ve been catching the block button on social media from educated people who know better) have employed the same ridiculous, revisionist history that he did to make their loud, wrong and stupid-ass points about the extremely well-documented topic of American slavery.
I wonder if this 180-degree turn from the “Old Kanye” has anything to do with his relationship to his (formerly) MAGA-spewing stepmother-in-law Caitlyn Jenner. I also wonder what good has come to the seemingly interminable cavalcade of black men who associate with the Kardashian Klan in general.
READ MORE: The Daily Show’s Roy Wood Jr. hilariously spoofs Kanye’s ‘slavery was a choice’ claim
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It still blows my mind that all these rich, successful and attractive dudes, who can command any woman they want, look at that mess of ass implants, lip fillers and required appearances on Keeping Up With the Kardashians – which has been kicking for 11 years on the strength of whole scenes involving taking selfies – and say, “Yo, I want a piece of that!” Are white women really a helluva drug like that?
Sure, I respect the hustle of matriarch Kris Jenner, who basically crafted a multi-million-dollar dynasty through a family with no marketable skills. But there’s a part of me that wonders if she is literally using Negroes as part of the brand.
READ MORE: TMZ’s Van Lathan said everything we’ve been wanting to say to Kanye West
These people gravitate toward Black genitalia like it contains the antidote. We’re talking about a white mother and the fact that five of her six white-ass children are romantically involved with Black people. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but…
Kim and Kanye have created some really cute swirl babies. Other than that, I haven’t seen a mess of positivity coming to the Black folks in the Kardashian orbit. Not only have their careers not been bolstered by association, but I’ll bet it’s served as a detriment.
I’m not saying that black folks are better off avoiding Kardashians…I’m just saying Black folks are better off avoiding Kardashians. Here’s a (not-exhaustive) list of famous Black folks who’ve been caught in their Cobra clutches.
10Kris Humphries

CAMDEN, NJ – SEPTEMBER 25: Kris Humphries #43 of the Philadephia 76ers poses for a portrait during the Philadelphia 76ers Media Day on September 25, 2017 at the Philadelphia 76ers Training Complex in Camden, New Jersey. (Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)
Kim is on her third marriage to a Black man; the first was to an allegedly abusive dude named Damon Thomas; the second was to NBA center Kris Humphries, following an absurdly expensive and highly publicized marriage that lasted fewer days than it took you to qualify for full benefits at your current job. Because Black Twitter doesn’t forget shit, a really old tweet from Kim to Humphries involving the “s-word” is getting some new burn this week for obvious reasons.
I’m a slave for you… @KrisHumphries
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) June 21, 2011
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