
Is the trump administration on a mission to reverse policies in every area that president Barack Obama implemented during his time in the White House? Today the White House confirmed they’ll be reversing Obama’s affirmative action guidelines for college admission. The guidelines created by the Obama Justice and Education Departments allowed schools to consider race to help increase diversity.

According to sources, the Trump administration officials plan to tell schools they shouldn’t consider race in admissions and use race neutral policies instead. According to an analysis from the New York Times: “Black and Hispanic students are more underrepresented at the nation’s top colleges and universities than they were 35 years ago.”

Director Ava Duvernay reacted via twitter saying, “The fact that this isn’t shocking and that it most likely won’t even make the evening news is the real heartbreak.”

And Activist Deray simply tweeted “the worst.”

Looks like Education needs our fight and attention in the Black community now more than ever.


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