
attends the 66th NBA All-Star Game at Smoothie King Center on February 19, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

While most of us started the new year resolving to do better, one journalist committed himself to just doing it all wrong.

In a since-deleted tweet, Vanity Fair film critic, K. Austin Collins, attacked 7-year-old Blue Ivy Carter, daughter of Beyonce and Jay-Z, for having the audacity to look like her rapper father.

“I have a feeling the jay z face genes are about to really hit Blue Ivy and I feel so sorry for her,” Collins tweeted.

The tweet comes after Beyonce posted a photo and video of Blue Ivy as part of her end of year recap.

Collins’ cruel joke was co-signed by journalist, Violet Lucca, who works at Harper’s Magazine.

“Or she’ll just get plastic surgery at 16 a la Kylie Jenner and we’ll all have to pretend that she always looked that way. I can’t allow myself to feel too sorry for the incredibly rich!” Lucca replied.

Collins is Black and Lucca is white.

The internet was quick to clap back at Collins and call him out for the offensive tweet, while also highlighting the inherent anti-Black implications of his message.

“These are not children being rude. @melvillmatic & @unbuttonmyeyes are two full grown adults in positions of cultural influence who decided that they wanted to start the year by attacking a child. Later, when the mealy mouthed apologies come, I want you to think about this choice,” tweeted author Mikki Kendall.


Attacks on celebrity children are not new, but Blue Ivy Carter has routinely been attacked for everything from her natural hair to her facial features.

Collins has since apologized, “I’m sorry about the Blue Ivy tweet — bad joke, and black girls in particular deserve better.”

They definitely do.





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