
First Lady Melania Trump (nearly two years later, that still sounds weird) is probably a little jet-lagged today. She just returned from her first solo international humanitarian trip last week touching down in Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Egypt with a full schedule of events.

Even though she’s “guilty by association” (she knew who she was marrying), we couldn’t help but feel relief that she was able to get out the country for a few days on her own, even wondering if she’d ever come back.

Remember the #FreeMelania campaign?

After all, stepping onto the soil of the Motherland has a way of clearing the cobwebs from one’s mind and adding clarity to convoluted situations. In the end, we just want to see Melania make better life choices.

We know being first lady isn’t an easy job. It takes a lot of energy to smile uncontrollably as you hug chubby Black babies, observe Black children learning English when you”re still struggling with it yourself, and meet with other First Ladies who have been doing the job much longer than you.

Then there’s the energy needed to bestow a contemplative look as you try to understand the history and implications that are the result of decades of slave trade from the Gold Coast of Africa. Not to mention, making sure you represent the right designers at the right times, while still maintaining a conveniently chic look befitting of any woman whose last name is Trump.

Going to Africa can be a life changing experience for anyone, even the Slovenia born First Lady. While she said she had an “amazing” time away, we’re hoping that this trip had a lasting impact that will stay with her for years to come, thus empowering Ms. Trump to take the words of Auntie Maxine Waters to heart and reclaim her time.

Here are 8 lessons we hope the First Lady will take to heart from her first trip abroad.

1. First stop, Kenya

Arriving at Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Ghana, Ms. Trump is welcomed by Rebecca Akufo-Addo, the First Lady of the Republic of Ghana. However, by the looks of the military official standing behind Ms. Akufo-Addo, we’re hoping the First Lady understands how to interpret a Black woman’s eye language. Until we get to know the real Melania, you’ll have to deal with our swinty side eyes of distrust.

Lesson: You’re going to get the side eye, until we know your real agenda. 

(Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


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