
Omarosa Manigault-Newman has made a name for herself as a calculating reality television star and savvy political insider known for sharp comebacks and the staunch defense of her right-wing political leanings. But, with the recent release of her memoir, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House, the former member of President Trump’s administrative cabinet is revealing juicy, White House gossip—making her no longer a fifteen-year friend of the commander-in-chief but a formidable foe.
Her provocative revelations have caused so much of stir, Trump took to Twitter to blast his former White House aide, labeling Manigault-Newman as “wacky”, “deranged” and a “low-life” in a series of blistering tweets yesterday. He also claimed she is lying about his use of the incendiary racial slur because he does not “have that word in [his] vocabulary and never have.”
But today, upon the release of Unhinged, Trump reached a new low in a tweet when he called her an animal.
Trump wrote: “When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog.”
When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 14, 2018
And now Omarosa has someone surprising coming to her defense. EUR Web White House correspondent April Ryan tweeted: “Let me be clear! Calling a Black woman a dog is unacceptable. This is a pattern. We saw it with the black football players moms. They were called sons of B*tches.”
Let me be clear! Calling a Black woman a dog is unacceptable. This is a pattern. We saw it with the black football players moms. They were called sons of B*tches.
— AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) August 14, 2018
Ryan and Manigult-Newman have waging a war of words after the news broke of Omarosa’s White House exit so it’s surprising to see her come to the former aide’s defense.
Things got heated between the two when April Ryan reported that the former reality star did not receive a pretty exit from her White House perch.
“Omarosa did not resign. She was even escorted out of he building and off campus,” Ryan reported on CNN, citing multiple sources.
“She was very upset and said she wanted to speak to the president. According to sources, Gen. Kelly said the president was already informed and he signed off,” Ryan said.
But when Omarosa tried to see Trump anyway, shouting profanities and insisting that she helped get Trump elected by bringing “the Black vote,” Ryan said that Chief of Staff John Kelly “had it and got rid of her.”
“He was tired of all the drama,” Ryan told Wolf Blitzer on CNN of Kelly’s decision to get rid of Omarosa.
According to Ryan, Omarosa tried to go to the residence to talk to Trump and was stopped by security. When Kelly was alerted by security as to what was going on, Ryan said, he ordered her to be escorted out by security.
“Okay the White House still contends Omarosa signed a resignation letter,” Ryan tweeted. “But Gen Kelly Kicked her out will high drama with the Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus.”
Manigault-Newman went on Good Morning America to give her account of her ouster from the White House.
“I resigned, and I didn’t do that in the Residence as being reported,” Omarosa told ABC’s Michael Strahan. Manigault described reports to the contrary as “100% false,” claiming she calmly discussed her resignation with Chief of Staff John Kelly in the Situation Room.
She also took direct aim at Ryan.
“Let’s be clear, only one person,” she insisted, “no one else has reported what she’s reporting. And this is the one person who has attacked me for the past year — so you know this is personal.”
Omarosa Manigult-Newman appeared on CBS This Morning today and revealed what she said was a secret recording of several of President Donald Trump’s campaign aides discussing how to handle potential fallout if a video of Trump using a racial slur surfaced.
Manigault Newman released the tape to CBS News.
She identified the three Trump campaign aides as Katrina Pierson, a spokeswoman for the campaign; Lynne Patton, an assistant to Trump’s son Eric; and Jason Miller, chief spokesman for the campaign.
″I am trying to find out at least what context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it,” Pierson can be heard saying in the recording of the 2016 conversation. Audio of that call was obtained by CBS News.
Manigault Newman has maintained that she has heard a tape of Donald Trump using the n-word while working on the Apprentice.
The president denies the explosive allegation and says an Apprentice producer confirms no such tapes exist.
But why would you need someone to confirm it if you didn’t say it?
“[The Apprentice producer] Mark Burnett called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa,” Trump tweeted on Monday morning.
“I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up.
“Look at her MANY recent quotes saying such wonderful and powerful things about me – a true Champion of Civil Rights – until she got fired.
“Omarosa had Zero credibility with the Media (they didn’t want interviews) when she worked in the White House. Now that she says bad about me, they will talk to her. Fake News!”
And now the fight has now sunk to a new low with the commander-in-chief tweeting derogatory names about his former aide that have many saying that the n-word tape must exist to illicit such a strong reaction from the president.
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