
Andrew Yang, former Democratic presidential hopeful, endorsed Joe Biden for president calling the former vice president “the right man for the job.”

READ MORE: Andrew Yang disappoints supporters and withdraws from 2020 presidential race

Yang made his announcement on CNN Tuesday night as six states held their Democratic primaries and Biden increased his delegate lead by winning Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, and Idaho. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won North Dakota while Washington state is still determining its winner. As of early Wednesday, Sanders and Biden were tied in the state.

“I believe that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee and I’ve always said I’m going to support whoever the nominee is,” Yang, the businessman and now CNN contributor, said in the network’s live airing. “So I hereby am endorsing Joe Biden to be not just the nominee for the Democratic Party but the next president of the United States.”

Yang joins Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Ind. in supporting Biden, a former senator and the former vice president under President Barack Obama.

Yang struck a unified tone in his endorsement, pushing for Democrats to stop the divisiveness and come together to defeat President Donald Trump. Yang called Sanders “an inspiration” but added that, “the math says Joe is our prohibitive nominee.”

“We need to bring the party together. We need to start working on defeating Donald Trump in the fall,” Yang said.

In a past interview following his decision to drop out of the race, Yang told CNN he would be “honored” to be offered the VP role.

“I’m already on the record, too, saying if I can solve these problems as someone’s vice president, a member of an administration — we just need to start solving these problems for the next generation,” Yang told CNN when he dropped out of the race. “And I’m happy to do my part.”

READ MORE: Dave Chappelle joins the ‘Yang Gang’ places his support behind Andrew Yang

Yang’s endorsement could deliver his devoted under 45-year-old and energized “Yang Gang” demographic to the Biden campaign. In December, a poll showed Yang had the largest percentage of supporters under the age of 45 (74 percent) compared with Sanders’ then 69 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight.


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