
April 26, 2019

A philosophy graduate interested in critical theory, politics and art. Alias of Jelena Martinović.

Gallery Weekend Berlin, one of the city’s foremost art events, is back for its 15th edition this April. Founded in 2005, it aims to reflect the current art discourse, offering an exceptional art experience.

This year, this highly anticipated event will gather exhibitions held in 45 galleries throughout the city, featuring the latest output of young emerging artists alongside more established positions.

The visitors will be offered various paths through a unique mix of current art and contemporary discourse, special events and encounters, and ever-changing impressions of the city.

David Renggli - Desire painting (Miliand), 2018, Ernst Wilhelm Nay - Purpur und weiße Rhythmen |, 1966
Left: David Renggli – Desire painting (Miliand), 2018. Courtesy the artist and Wentrup, Berlin. / Right: Ernst Wilhelm Nay – Purpur und weiße Rhythmen |, 1966 © E. Nay-Scheibler, Köln, VG Bild Kunst, Bonn 2019. Courtesy Aurel Scheibler, Berlin

The Exhibition Program

Taking place in 45 galleries around the city, the exhibition program during Gallery Weekend Berlin will be rich and diverse.

The audience will have an opportunity to see works by a pioneer of conceptual art Bernar Venet at Blain I Southern; German artist Michael Krebber at Galerie Buchholz; Franz Erhard Walther, known for his early conceptual experiments of actively involving spectators in the production of the work, Clegg & Guttmann, known for their Open Library project, and Henrike Naumann, known for installations restaging living spaces of the 1990s, all on view at KOW; Axel Hütte at Daniel Marzona, a German photographer known for his unique approach to landscape; Peter Fischli & David Weiss, an artist duo best known for their film The Way Things Go, Reinhard Mucha, celebrated for his sculptural installations constructed from materials including found wood, vitrines, and railway detritus Andrea Robbins/Max Becher, a duo producing photo-based conceptual artworks, all at Sprüth Magers; photographs by acclaimed artists Robert Frank and Saul Leiter at Kicken Berlin; among others.

Raphaela Vogel - Video still from “Music lost it’s Time”, 2019
Raphaela Vogel – Video still from “Music lost it’s Time”, 2019. Video, sound, 19:59 Min. Courtesy BQ, Berlin und Raphaela Vogel

Discover the Richness of the City’s Art Scene

Once again, the Gallery Weekend Berlin will present the gallery as a space of exchange and discourse, allowing the owners to reinforce the gallery as an exhibition and social space. Galleries help build up and support their artists over their careers while working alongside them to facilitate and conceive innovative and thought-provoking exhibitions of their work, while serving as a point of contact for curators, critics, collectors and art lovers.

This weekend will provide a wonderful opportunity to discover new names or deepen old passions, but also experience the city anew: the gallery scene, like art production, remains in motion, continuously opening itself to new spaces — in 2019, particularly in Charlottenburg.

While in Berlin, be sure to also check out ongoing exhibitions such as Picasso: The Late Work. From the Collection of Jacqueline Picasso at Museum Barberini, Minerva Cuevas – No Room to Play at Daadgalerie, Bauhaus Imaginista at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and JR – Adrian Piper – Ray Johnson at Museum Frieder Burda / Salon Berlin, among others.

Jorinde Voigt - Prototypes and Multiples, 2019, Thomas Bayrle - Heuhaufen naive, 2019
Left: Jorinde Voigt – Prototypes and Multiples, 2019. Photos: Roman März, Courtesy and Copyright Studio Jorinde Voigt / Right: Thomas Bayrle – Heuhaufen naive, 2019. Photo Wolfgang Günzel © Thomas Bayrle

The Gallery Weekend Berlin 2019

The Gallery Weekend Berlin will take place at 45 galleries throughout the city between April 26th and April 28th, 2019.

A preview of the exhibitions will take place on Friday, April 26th at 11 a.m., followed by the official opening at 6 p.m.

The doors of the galleries will be open from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Visitors can plan their personal tours with the MyArtWalk app, available for free on Google Play and Apple App Store. The app provides images and texts from each participating Gallery Weekend exhibition.

Participating Galleries and Artists, Gallery Weekend Berlin 2019

Participating Galleries and Artists:
Galerie Guido W. Baudach | Björn Dahlem
Blain I Southern | Bernar Venet
Borch Gallery | Matt Saunders
Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie | Veit Laurent
Kurz BQ | Raphaela Vogel
Galerie Buchholz | Michael Krebber
Buchmann Galerie | Nigel Cooke
Capitain Petzel | Stefanie Heinze
carlier I gebauer | Asta Gröting
Crone Berlin | Clemens Krauss
Contemporary Fine Arts | Tal R, Eberhard Havekost
ChertLüdde | Sol Calero, Juan Antonio Olivares
Dittrich & Schlechtriem | Julian Charrière
Galerie Eigen+Art | Martin Eder, Signe Pierce
Konrad Fischer Galerie | Richard Long
Galerie Friese | William N. Copley, Saul Steinberg
Galerie Michael Haas | Abraham David
Christian Kewenig | James Lee Byars
Kicken Berlin | Robert Frank, Saul Leiter
Klemm´s | Elizabeth Jaeger
Klosterfelde Edition | Jorinde Voigt
König Galerie | Camille Henrot, Matthias Weischer, Jeppe Hein
KOW | Franz Erhard Walther, Clegg & Guttmann, Henrike Naumann
Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler | Pieter Schoolwerth
Tanya Leighton | Math Bass
alexander levy | Fabian Knecht
Daniel Marzona | Axel Hütte
Meyer Riegger | Daniel Knorr
Galerie Neu | Jana Euler
Neugerriemschneider | Thomas Bayrle
Galerie Nordenhake | Rémy Zaugg
Peres Projects | Beth Letain
Galeria Plan B | Horia Damian
Gregor Podnar | Anne Neukamp
PSM | Daniel Lergon
Aurel Scheibler | Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Esther Schipper | Ryan Gander
Galerie Thomas Schulte | Jonathan Lasker, Alice Aycock
Société | Kaspar Müller
Sprüth Magers | Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Reinhard Mucha, Andrea Robbins/Max Becher Galerie Barbara Thumm | Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Fiona Banner
Galerie Barbara Weiss | Frieda Toranzo
Jaeger Wentrup | Florian Meisenberg, David Renggli
Barbara Wien | Kim Yong-Ik
Kunsthandel Wolfgang Werner | Richard Oelze

Featured images: Frieda Toranzo Jaeger – Hope The Air Conditioning Is On While Facing Global Warming (part 1), 2017. Courtesy of the artist; Sol Calero – Casa Anacaona, installation view at Folkestone Triennial, UK. A co- commission by WOMAD World of Art and the Creative Foundation for Folkestone Triennial 2017. Photo by Jamie Woodley; Beth Letain – The Company She Keeps (Installation View). Courtesy of Peres Projects, Berlin, Photo: Matthias Kolb; Martin Eder – DYSTOPIA. Courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin; James Lee Byars – untitled, 1983[left]; The Dagger, 1989 [right]. The Estate of James Lee Byars, courtesy KEWENIG, Berlin. Photographer: Stefan Müller.; Math Bass – Newz!, 2018. Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Leighton, Berlin; Jana Euler – Female Jesus crying in public, 2015. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Neu, Berlin, Private Collection, Photo: Stefan Korte. All images courtesy of Gallery Weekend Berlin.


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