
Transcript for Your smart speaker may be turning on by itself

You’ll head down there soon. To a new alert on your digital privacy. Another report of Amazon’s echo speakers recording audio without you asking them to. Janai Norman joins us with more. Good morning. Good morning. Some wondered if this happened and this comes from researchers at “Consumer reports” in northeastern university conducting tests will the Amazon smart speaker turns out without hearing the wake word and turns out it sometimes does. When the speaker hears a word that sounds similar, that’s the word chosen to get its attention, if it’s Alexa it might turn on if someone says it’s actually or a like followed by a word starting with an “S”. When it happens it stops recording within seconds and similar reports about apple’s siri but “Consumer reports” did not test those. Amazon responding yet? Yes, and Amazon is admitting that this does happen. They tell us in rare cases echo devices will wake up due to a word in a background conversation sounding like Alexa or one of the other available wake words. The company points out a blue light will come on when it’s recording. Amazon says it continues to work to improve speakers’ performance so they’re not listening to you when you don’t want them to. Thank you. It’s happened in our house and once the kids learned how to us it too it’s dangerous. It starts playing in the middle of a conversation. Anyway, coming up the new

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