
But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

You have a potty mouth. Is that OK?

Sometimes bad things happen in the office, your emotions run high and a curse word accidentally slips out of your mouth.

While an occasional swear word is usually accepted at work, it shouldn’t become a pervasive part of an office’s culture.

Constant cursing can tarnish your own brand and limit your career opportunities.

Here’s what to do if you accidentally let the F-bomb slip out.

Someone else is getting credit for your work

Being a team player at work is important. But so is getting recognition for your contributions.

Getting credit for your work is an important part of establishing your worth and climbing the career ladder, but constantly seeking out recognition can backfire and end up making you look like a credit hog.

Why the way you accept praise at work matters
Here’s how to balance that fine line between looking like you’re not a team player and getting the acknowledgment you deserve.

You got fired, is your career over?


Getting fired can be devastating, but it’s not the end of your career.

How you bring up a termination in a job interview is important though: You don’t want to lie, but you also should avoid dwelling on it.

You haven’t been promoted in forever

You’ve been working long hours, going above and beyond your job duties and exceeding expectations.

But yet, you still haven’t been able to move up the career ladder.

Employees shouldn’t linger too long at a company if they aren’t climbing the career ladder fast enough.

So just how long should you stay at a job if you aren’t being promoted?

Is it OK to text with your boss?

Texting can be a fast and easy way to communicate when we’re out of the office.

But texts can carry a heavier sense of urgency than an email or instant message — whether that’s the intent or not.

How to handle an after-hours work request

Managers and their employees should set expectations of how they prefer to communicate in and out of the office. Some workers might find texting easier than a traditional email or phone call, while others might find it too invasive.

We tend to fire off texts a little more haphazardly than an email, which can lead to some unfortunate blunders.

I got a job offer, how can I leverage it with my current employer?

Congrats, you got a job offer! It’s for more money, but you really aren’t ready to move on from your current employer.

What do you do?

Tread carefully. Using a job offer as leverage to negotiate a promotion or higher salary requires a delicate approach and comes with risks.


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