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Singer Willow Smith and her collaborator will spend 24 hours in a box at the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, where they will cycle through a range of emotions, prolonging each for three hours at a time as part of a new performance. [Los Angeles Times]

The Cleveland Museum of Art received 100 works of art from the collection of Joseph P. Keithley and Nancy F. Keithley, with works by members of the Nabis group well-represented in the donation. [The New York Times]

A new paper suggests that there were formerly far more cave paintings in the Basque region than were previously thought—the images just faded over time. [Haaretz]

Coronavirus Watch

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, director of the Castello di Rivoli in Turin, is working 18-hour days to kickstart the museum’s digital initiatives while it remains closed following coronavirus concerns. She considers it her “public duty” to do so. [Artnet News]

Many Italian galleries have closed following the country’s lockdown, and gallerists are anticipating how their business will change with a mix of optimism and anxiety. [ARTnews]


Collector Kevin Poon offers travel tips for where to eat, stay, be a tourist, and more in a new guide to Hong Kong. [Asia Tatler]

Andy Warhol

As part of its current Andy Warhol retrospective, Tate Modern in London is showing the Pop artist’s iconic fright wigs. It’s the first time they’ve gone on view in England. [The Guardian]

A California man has pleaded guilty to wire fraud, tax fraud, and identity theft in a case involving attempts to pass off faked works by Basquiat, Warhol, and others. [Courthouse News]

An Experiment in New York

Earlier this year, a group of artists was given complete control of Performance Space New York, including its programming. Here’s a look at what they’ve put together so far. [The New York Times]


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