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Michael Gross wrote about how the notorious city planner Robert Moses transformed the Metropolitan Museum of Art as parks commissioner in New York. [Daily Beast]

Suzanne Cotter discussed her job as director of the Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean in Luxembourg. [Delano]

“After years of financial difficulties, the Newseum,” a Washington, D.C., museum dedicated to journalism, “will close its doors Tuesday.” [Associated Press/The New York Times]


Artist William Kentridge spoke about his production of Alban Berg’s opera Wozzeck (1922), which is being staged by the Metropolitan Opera in New York, with Jason Farago. [The New York Times]

Performance artist Ulay will have an exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.  [The Art Newspaper]

Here’s a Q&A with the artist Aba Mfrase-Ewur. [The Cut]

“Why is this artist plastering his face on buildings all over Paris and beyond?” [Fortune]

Ancient Egypt

The Minneapolis Institute of Art set an attendance record in 2019, thanks to the popularity of its exhibition “Egypt’s Sunken Cities,” which was visited by some 154,000 people. [StarTribune]

On the most recent episode of the popular radio show In Our Time, host Melvyn Bragg was joined by scholars to discuss Tutankhamun and the excavations of his tomb. [In Our Time/BBC Radio 4]

Looking Back

The editors of ARTnews picked their favorite art books of 2019, which range from a Peter Schjeldahl collection to the collected writings of New Museum founder Marcia Tucker. [ARTnews]


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