
We are all living in a world where we don’t go outside unless it is absolutely necessary, in order to avoid contracting and spreading the coronavirus. At HuffPost, we have been documenting all the ways that COVID-19 has affected our readers’ lives. 

We are adapting to a new way of life — and now, we want to hear directly from our readers. In “Quarantine Diaries,” HuffPost will chronicle how you are spending your time, what you are thankful for and what you are dreading as we self-isolate until the virus is contained.

“Quarantine Diaries” will feature your stories in a diary-style communal project. Email us 100 or so words about your daily experiences, and you can also send us photos and short videos.

Here are a few prompts to get you started: 

What has brought you moments of joy?

How are you balancing work and taking care of your children?

Have you seen any acts of kindness in your neighborhood or at your workplaces?

What are the hardest things about your day?


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