
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania offers the world’s best Executive MBA program. That’s according to global business school analyst QS, or Quacquarelli Symonds, which today released its World University Rankings: Global Executive MBA 2018.

Wharton, which recently entered a historic collaboration with Morgan State University, a historically black college in Baltimore, outranked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan Business School, which came in second; and London Business School’s EMBA program, which ranked third on the prestigious list.

“Wharton possesses the largest alumni network of any business school in the world,” Nunzio Quacquarelli, QS CEO, is quoted as saying in a statement, “—over 96,000 at the last count—and it’s a network that unites quantity with quality, with Wharton EMBA alumni going on to adopt executive roles at influential organizations in both the private and public sector. The Wharton EMBA remains a globally renowned indicator of alumnus quality for top employers.”

Wharton attained perfect scores of 100 in three of five metrics QS used to rank the programs: Employer ReputationThought Leadership, and Career Outcomes, and was the only program to do so. The other two metrics are Executive Profile and Diversity.

Diversity Metric Not Significant

Here are key findings from the QS statement:

  • The uppermost ranks are shared nearly evenly between schools that offer programs in more than one location and single-location schools: Four of the top ten providers have multiple locations, while six offer programs in only one place.
  • The only other non-U.S. program providers in the top ten are those offered by the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, which ranks eighth; and two schools that share the 10th ranked spot: University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School, and Spain’s IESE Business School programs (also offered in New York and Silicon Valley).
  • QS’s global ranking indicates that the world’s strongest EMBA programs are rarely world leaders in diversity, with only five of the top 20 achieving full marks in QS’s Diversity indicator. By contrast, six of the programs ranked between 21 and 30 achieve this benchmark score.

Morgan’s statement announcing the collaboration with Wharton says this about diversity: “The collaboration represents a key element in the missions of both schools in building academic excellence through diversity while addressing challenges in communities at home and around the world.”

To learn more and to see the rankings in full, visit QS Global EMBA Rankings.


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