
Marijuana San Francisco thegrio.com
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

Several companies have offered free goods and services to federal employees impacted by the government shutdown and now a marijuana website is stepping up to do their part.

According to The HillBudTrader.com, an online marijuana marketplace has contacted an attorney to “ensure that all cannabis donations given to federal employees are confidential and compliant with California Cannabis adult use laws and regulations.”

It has been over a month since the partial government shutdown began and there are still more than 800,000 federal workers who have had to figure out how to make ends meet without their paychecks. BudTrader believes that their product is an obvious solution to counteract the understandable stress that those affected and their families are currently experiencing.

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“I don’t think federal employees are getting enough love and support, in these tough times, we want to extend the offer of a donation of medical cannabis to any federal worker affected by the shutdown,” said BudTrader CEO Brad McLaughlin via a news release.

The company has often been referred to as, “The Craig’s List of weed,” and made the announcement on their Facebook page.

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“To any Federal Employee unable to pay for their medical cannabis due to the Government shutdown, BudTrader will donate to you the allowable, legal, limit according to California adult use rules and regulations to help ease your suffering in this difficult time,” they wrote on Monday. “The donation will be completely confidential. For more information please visit BudTrader.com. God Bless all Federal Employees, God Bless the Cannabis Community and God Bless the United States of America.”


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