
May 9, 2018

Balasz Takac is alias of Vladimir Bjelicic who is actively engaged in art criticism, curatorial and artistic practice.

The contemporary art world rests almost entirely on the international collaborative projects. Nevertheless, it seems that there are two leading interests which shape the art currents. On one hand is the urge to exchange ideas, establish a dialog between different contexts and share different forms of knowledge, while on the other is a market-driven initiative.

Certainly, the ones which are based on both of the interests mentioned poses perhaps the most potential. Such is the case of the project which is going to be presented at Chicago based Vertical Gallery. Under the title 20 x 20 x 20, this exhibition tends to represent the selection of the most active Scandinavian artists at present times.

Randi K Strand - The way you look at me 3
Randi K Strand – The way you look at me 3

About The Concept

The idea of Elisabeth Ramfjord, an owner of the Galleri Ramfjord and curator, was to construct the authentic selection constructed of photography, video, mixed media, painting, and sculpture each of them in a format of 20 x 20 inches. She opened the gallery in Oslo in 1998, specialized in oil painting. For this particular project, Ramfjord has made the collaboration with the prosperous Vertical Gallery, an exhibition space focused on promoting and exhibiting street, urban and contemporary art, and has stated the following:

We have been showing our artists in the USA at Art Fairs in Miami and New York for the past several years with great success. I am very pleased to partner with Vertical Gallery and bring this wonderful group to Chicago.

Dag Knudsen - Albus
Dag Knudsen – Albus

Highlights of The Exhibition

Accordingly to the title of the exhibition, a number of twenty Scandinavian artists of different age and sensibilities are going to participate, from Johan Wahlstrom and Peter Sutton, over Randi K and Erlend Mikael Saeverud, Dag Knudsen to Ingebjorg Stoyva and Ingun R White, just to name to the few.

Aside from being aesthetically varying, the majority of the works seems to be sharing one similar element, and that is the occupation with the theme of loneliness and human alienation.

Whether articulated through the classical portrayal, representation of repressive social mechanisms or animals, and abstract landscapes, these visual explorations serve as a really good example of how the Scandinavian artists meticulously express themselves in accordance with the contemporary moment.

Johan Wahlstrom - Disconnecting 23
Johan Wahlstrom – Disconnecting 23

20 Scandinavian Artists at Vertical Gallery

In collaboration with Galleri Ramfjord, this exhibition will be opened on 12 May at Vertical Gallery, located at 1016 N Western Avenue, Chicago. The opening reception will happen from 6:00 – 10:00 pm and the show will last until 26 May 2018.

Featured images: Ingebjorg Stoyva – Songbird; Erlend Mikael Saeverud – Saint M; Ingun R Whit – Sorry I am late; Olav Mathisen – Untitled 2. All images are courtesy of Galleri Ramfjord and Vertical Gallery.


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