
Van Jones thegrio.com
CNN political commentator Van Jones (Photo by Kimberly White/Getty Images for GLAAD)

CNN commentator Van Jones has a history of championing bipartisan activism and encouraging people to cross party lines, but after this week’s State of the Union address he didn’t mince words while sharing his disdain for President Trump‘s speech.

“I saw this as a psychotically incoherent speech, with cookies and dog poop” Jones said Tuesday evening during a segment on CNN Live.

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“He tries to put together in the same speech these warm, kind things about humanitarianism and caring about children, and at the same time he is demonizing people who are immigrants in a way that is appalling.”

Former senator Rick Santorum was also on the panel, and while he usually takes Trump‘s side even he had to admit the president didn’t deliver.

“This was probably the worst delivered speech I’ve heard Donald Trump give,” conceded Santorum. “He ran over his lines, he didn’t deliver his punch lines, he would deliver a line and go to the next issue, and I don’t think he even realized he was moving on to the next issue. Someone didn’t do a good job of breaking his speech so he knew what to do. That was the problem.”

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According to FOX News, political rising star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, also criticized Trump Tuesday evening, for what she characterized as an “unprepared” address.

“I don’t think that he did his homework,” she told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. “We have seen State of the Union addresses delivered by many presidents, Democrats and Republicans, they almost always have substantive policies that are offered. There was no plan. There was no plan to address our opioid crisis, there was no plan to address the cost of health care. There was no plan to increase wages. I had to ask myself, ‘Does the campaign stop or is this a State of the Union?’ ”

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