
Once again, President Donald Trump on Friday defended the White supremacists who rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and who ignited the violence that resulted in the death of a woman by a neo-Nazi and injured 35 other people.

Trump said at the White House that he was referring to supporters of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee when he said there were “fine people” on both sides, according to The Washington Post.

“People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of [Confederate army commander] Robert E. Lee—everybody knows that,” Trump told reporters, making no reference to the White supremacists or the Unite the Right group, which organized the event. Trump said that there were “people that were very fine people on both sides.”

“I was talking about people that went because they felt
very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general,” Trump
said Friday according to the Post. “Whether you like it or not, he was one
of the great generals.”

On August 12, 2017, the day of the rally, former Ku Klux Klan
grand wizard David Duke  attended and spoke, proclaiming the event as a
chance to “take our country back.” Also, Heather Heyer, 32, an activist
for civil rights, was killed when avowed neo-Nazi James Alex Fields Jr., 21, plowed
a car into a crowd at the event. Fields was convicted after pleading guilty to
29 federal hate crimes.


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