
Transcript for Trump says he may leave meeting with Kim Jong Un

E move on to preside ump and northkorea. The president answered wide-ranging questions about his hopes for a meetingith Kim Jong-un. Also left the door open to away from them if he doesn’t get what he wannd Jon Karl I a mar-a-lago with the latest. Morning, Jo Reporter: Good morning, GE. Esident trums prediing that his planned summit with Kim Jong-un be an historic moment and Mayben sething more THA that. But is alsoeclaring that if talks ‘T going well,lllk away. The president is soundgore and more eager to his summit meeting wh Kim Jong-un, and optimistic about ridding nokorea of nuclear weapon. There is a bright path available to North Korea when it achieves denuclearition in a complete and vif and irreversible way. It WBE day fthem. It will be a great day for the wod. Reporter: But standing N Japan’ prime minister, the presidt vowed T drive a hard rghe first rule of any good negotiation, you’ve got to beilling to walk away. Ve never bn in a poehis with that regime. I hope have a very successful meet. If we don’t think it’s going be successful, mark, we won’t havet.if the meeting when I’m there I T uiul, I Wil respectfully leave. Repr: He sai there will be no backing down fromhe ultimate goal. E will repeat the akres administrations. Our campaign of maximum pressurell continue until North Korea nuclearize order: In a sign of the idrness toe meeting he isot insisting on preconditi director Michael Pompeo made his secret east weekend eating to North Korea to help set T summit. But he returned without winni the release of three Americans now being detdth Korea. We ft very harto get Otto Warmbier back. We a likewise fhting very diligentlyo get the three American citizens back. Th there’s a good chance of ING Reporter: One of the thorniest issues now being discussed is where this summit will T place. The president said ton be in the United States. ‘St different locaons. Told THA North Korea’s be ruled outs a location and so has chi theottom line, George, is find a place that is both secure and acceptable to bothsides. It’s no easy tank. A place that the north Koreans can fly without borrowing a plane. Mike Pompeo, T CIA direct who made that secret to North Korea, also the president nominee for secretary of St his confirmation process running in some turbence. Rorr: It sure is. It’s not clear it’soingo out of the S foreign laons committee with a tive V because Rand Paul, a strongporter of president, says he ismantly opposed to the Pompeo nominatn now in response to a direct call from trees agreed to mee withpo, but says it will take a lot to get him to change his mind. Right, but even if the senate foreign relationsommittee doesn’t approve him he could et saved on the floor of the Nate. Reporter: Can still get approved on tlohe senate but Republicans have a sgl vot majority right now and all Democrats right now are lined up against him so this could be a very, very close vote. The whhouse is confident he will ultimately be confi but it will be a nail-bi Jon Karl, thanks. The dead fires,

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