
The Sacramento Kings have teamed up with Black Lives Matter Sacramento to “help transform,” Sacramento communities, the team announced in a press release on Thursday.

The NBA team and the Sacramento chapter of BLM will work together with Build. Black Coalition to invest in Black youth by supporting education initiatives, “workforce preparation and economic development efforts.”

The news comes following the shooting death of Stephon Clark by Sacramento law enforcement.

The statement reads in part:

As part of their commitment to the goals of the Build. Black. Coalition, a group of Sacramento community leaders who have organized in the wake of the Stephon Clark shooting, a tragic death of a young man by Sacramento police, the Sacramento Kings will create an education fund for the children of Stephon Clark. This fund cannot fix the issues that led to the death of their father, but it will secure opportunities for their futures while the family and the city grapples with healing.

Clark was killed in the backyard of the home he shared with his grandparents on March 18. He was unarmed and holding a cell phone when officers fired at him 20 times.


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