Doctors Explain Why U.S. Healthcare Is So Expensive (HBO)
VICE News visited a bunch of doctors in an attempt to make sense of our convoluted health care costs. What do the doctors say is needed to improve overall cost…
by October Gallery
VICE News visited a bunch of doctors in an attempt to make sense of our convoluted health care costs. What do the doctors say is needed to improve overall cost…
BBC journalist Sue Lloyd-Roberts is keeping a video diary for the Victoria Derbyshire programme. She has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of … source
Subscribe to BBC News The BBC spends a day with California’s “smokejumpers”, the elite firefighters who parachute into the … source
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Spain’s king steps down, France arrests four in suspected fighter … source
Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: … source
In the wake of recent terror attacks in Europe — several of which targeted Jewish institutions — some politicians and religious leaders have predicted an exodus … source
When you mention guns, the UK is definitely not the first place you’d think of. But, there are more than 700000 firearm owners in Britain, and nearly 2 million ……
In July 2015, Russia-backed forces moved the boundary fence between Russian-occupied South Ossetia and Georgia — placing more Georgian territory under … source
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: floods dislodge land mines left over from the Bosnian War, Egypt shuts … source
Chinese officials issue the first-ever ‘red alert’ as record high levels of smog cover Beijing. With pollution levels having reached 40 times what’s considered safe … source