
Stacey Abrams is definitely open to running alongside a Democratic presidential candidate as his or her vice president in the 2020 presidential election.

In an interview Monday on ABC’s The View, Whoopi Goldberg told Abrams that while she is not currently running for president, “a lot of people want to see you on that ticket, first as vice president,” for which Abrams responded “of course” she’d accept an offer to join one of the current Democratic contenders for office.

READ MORE: Stacey Abrams confirms she’d consider being VP: ‘I will not diminish my ambition’

This represents a change from a year ago when Abrams told The View that she was not interested in the VP job because “I think you don’t run for second place.”

Abrams, the former minority leader of the Georgia House of Representatives, now sees things differently.

“It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, ‘Oh, no, I don’t want it.’ Of course, I want it. Of course, I want to serve America. Of course, I want to be a patriot and do this work. And so, I’d say yes,” Abrams said to the ladies on The View.

So far, Abrams said none of the remaining Democratic challengers have reached out to her offering her the position. And she refused to endorse a candidate, saying her “job right now is to fix our democracy” by actively working to combat and expose voter suppression tactics.

Abrams has a new book soon to be released entitled: Our Time is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America. It draws from her own experience running for governor of Georgia in 2018 and the numerous voter suppression challenges that arose— from access issues to the purging of voter rolls, according to The Hill.

READ MORE: Stacey Abrams tackles voter suppression in new book due out in June

“My best service is to be in that neutral space where it’s not about who the nominee is – it’s about making sure no matter who the nominee is, any person who wants to go and vote, can vote,” Abrams explained on The View. “That’s what we’re doing through Fair Fight 2020.”

Abrams launched Fair Fight 2020 after her 2018 gubernatorial loss to Republican Brian Kemp. Fair Fight 2020 aims to determine voter suppression challenges and fight back by financing voter protection operations in 20 key states, according to ABC News.


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