
By Shaun King, Medium

On this past Tuesday morning I received a very alarming text message from a friend. Inside of a private Facebook group for California Law Enforcement Officers, members of the group were openly plotting and planning my assassination.

Sadly, I receive death threats daily. It’s been that for years, but they are mainly from anonymous strangers and seem more designed to intimidate me and my family than they appear to be imminent threats of physical harm. We take them all seriously, but what we found in this private Facebook group is altogether different. These were men and women, in a private group that they had no idea I’d ever see, using their real names and identities, openly plotting to kill me and organizing each other to execute it.

Who do you call to report the misconduct of current or retired law enforcement officers? Because I lack confidence in any law enforcement system to handle this, I feel the burden to release this publicly for my own safety and for the safety of my family.

See Also

Racism, American Racism, American History, U.S. History, KOLUMN, KINDR'D Magazine, KINDR'D, Willoughby Avenue, Wriit,

Below I will include the screenshots and details of the threats.

Featured Image, Shaun King, Medium
Full article @ Medium


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