
In these uncertain and deeply horny times, people are seeking out pleasure wherever they can — for a good chunk of the internet, that means watching Henry Cavill build himself a computer. 

Like many of us in lockdown, the “Man of Steel” star is taking up new hobbies in his own personal fortress of solitude, but he just so happens to be doing so in a tank top, much to the delight of his millions of followers. 

On Thursday, Cavill flexed his nerd credentials by sharing a 5-minute video of himself constructing a gaming PC from scratch. In it, the actor labors over the project through the night, as he consults a variety of manuals and makes his fair share of mistakes. 

And he seemed to be in on the joke, as he set his tinkering to the seductive musical stylings of Barry White.

While we won’t pretend to know much about the hardware, the final product at least looks good, as the “Witcher” star tricks out the machine with technicolor lights.

It’s been well established that Cavill is an avid gamer, revealing that he’d much rather spend a night in on the computer than out on the town. In lockdown, he’s also taken up painting miniature “Warhammer 40K” figurines, dubbing himself a “proper geek.”

Alongside the video posted on Thursday, Cavill wrote, “All The Parts: This kind of material isn’t for everyone … viewer discretion is advised. You may see a lot of parts that you haven’t seen before.” He also added the hashtag #AllNightLong.

Except it really was for everyone, as the internet proceeded to join hands in collective thirst to express sincere jealously over the intimacy Cavill shares with his electronics. 

By Thursday afternoon, Cavill’s name was trending on Twitter, with the video racking up nearly 1.5 million views. 

Here’s hoping we get a sequel. 


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