
If the NFL thinks it can pull a fast one and silence players who want to protest on the field, they need to think again.

Several key players are apparently preparing to fight the new requirements that orders them to stand on the field, retreat to the locker room or pay a fine for their defiance.

Activist Shaun King reported that several players have joined a movement to sit out until the NFL puts Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick back in play.

Colin Kaepernick has made a name for himself both on and off the field for his ongoing activism. When he was still in the NFL, playing for the San Francisco 49ers, he made headlines for taking a knee during the national anthem beginning in the 2016 season.

READ MORE: The racist NFL strikes again, issuing new policy on kneeling during the national anthem

That action spurred on hundreds of similar protests, with athletes across the country participating in similar protests of race relations in the United States and a failing criminal justice system.

Kaepernick is now suing the NFL, claiming that he was blackballed from being hired after leaving the 49ers because of his activism.

Reid kneeled right alongside Kaepernick in protest.

This comes months after NFL owners met with players to come to a compromise over how they could push their social injustice agendas without it interfering with their jobs as athletes. Instead the owners decided to penalize players if they didn’t kneel, which is in line with President’s Donald Trump’s desires.

But some cast doubt about King’s suggestion that players were planning to stage a sit-out.


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