
President Donald Trump added “lawmarkers” to his laughable lexicon of language mistakes on Thursday.

Trump presumably meant to say “lawmakers” during his welcome of new Secretary of Defense Mark Esper at the Pentagon. Or did he?

On “Late Night,” Seth Meyers had his own take on Trump’s continued mangling of written and spoken English. The host suggested in his best Trump impersonation that “lawmarkers” was uttered on purpose: “The lawmarker, of course, being the Sharpie that every judge uses to write out their legal decision.”

“Lawmarkers” didn’t get as much play as the president’s “infantroopen” blunder, which happened on the same day. But guardians of language can be glad that “lawmarkers” made it onto the agenda of at least one of the chat shows.

Watch the entire “Trump Lies About Robert Mueller’s Testimony: A Closer Look” above. (Or fast forward to the “lawmarkers” bit at 2:15.)


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