

This coming Saturday night, the Australian actor Russell Crowe will celebrate his birthday, wedding anniversary, and divorce from the actress Danielle Spencer all at once with a blowout auction at Sotheby’s Sydney outpost, Nine.com.au reports today. 

The auction, which the actor and auction house are calling “The Art of Divorce,” will feature over 200 items ranging from professional relics to personal keepsakes and investments. Among the pieces for sale (all prices in Australian dollars): the armored vest worn by Crowe’s Gladiator character general Maximus Decimus Meridius ($20,000 reserve, or about $15,400 in U.S. dollars); a replica Roman chariot from that same movie ($10,000 or $7,700 U.S.); a Leandro Bisiach Sir violin that Crowe used in the film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World ($100,000; $76,800 U.S.); a bunch of jewelry from Crowe’s ex-wife; and even a Grammy award that was originally presented to Johnny Cash.

There is also quite a bit of art up for bid. Works from Arthur Boyd, Sidney Nolan, Charles Blackman, and others are expected to account for a good portion of the sale’s total, which Sotheby’s has estimated will surpass $2 million ($1.54 million in U.S. dollars) by the end of the night, and which Crowe and Spencer will split as a kind of uncoupling gesture. Personally, I might have to put in a bid for Crowe’s set crew pass from the production of Gladiator in Ouarzazate, Morocco, in 1999—a steal at no more than an estimated $500 ($380 U.S.).

“For me, walking through this collection is time travel,” Crowe told Nine.com.au. “But as I get older, you do start to think you don’t need physical touchstones. That said, ”there’s still pleasure for me to know that some of it is going to appeal to very specific collectors,” he continued. Check out the auction in full here.


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