I’ll be trying to participate in the Runwright Reads Summer Reading Challenge which is June 21 – September 23, 2023. Now I’m already participating in a few more reading challenges but if I could read at least 5 books to tick off five of these 14 prompts I’ll be thrilled. What I’m looking forward to is reading a few backlist books from my TBR. So far I’ve read two of  the five prompts I’m considering reading for. For the prompt SET: Read a book that is set in the Caribbean I read The God of Good Looks by Breanne Mc Ivor and it was fantastic! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for an enjoyable, easy to read book. I rated it a 4,5 stars. The second book is a nonfiction and fits the prompt, TRUE: Read a true story and I’m currently reading The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America by Ethan Michaeli. I’m buddy reading it and we’re are 50% into this thick very interesting book. We are learning so much about The Defender and American history. Hopefully I’ll be done right at the end of the month.
I encourage you to join in with this very doable reading challenge which is stress free. I’ll come back in September to let you know if I’ve succeeded in reading at least 5 books to go with 5 prompts from the challenge.  If you’re interested in joining in drop me a line below and tell me what you’ve already read and what you’re planning on reading. Happy Summer Reading Challenge!😎📖📚
Reread any book
Underrated author/book – any author/book you think deserves more recognition)
New book – published in 2022 or 2023
Weird title (whatever you consider weird)
Red, White and Blue – has any 2 or all 3 colors of the USA flag on the cover
Ice cream – has ice cream on the cover / is about ice cream
Graphic representation (graphic novel/graphic memoir/comic (No page limit)
Home – has HOME in the title or relates to HOME in some way (ex. set in a place you call home)
True story – any nonfiction/true crime/memoir/biography
Romance – any romance (or anti-romance) book
Easy – what do you consider an easy read?  (No page limit)
Anthology – Any collection of poetry / essays / short stories by various authors
Day – has the word Day in the title
Set in the Caribbean
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