
Richard Prince’s marijuana brand, Katz + Dogg.


Richard Prince’s brand of marijuana, Katz +Dogg, is slated for distribution in Los Angeles at the luxury dispensary and delivery service MedMen, which has brick-and-mortar locations in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, and New York.

The brand has been gaining notice with art-world appearances over the past year, with Blum & Poe and Gagosian both hosting shows of Prince’s art at which the product was presented (along with High Times magazines sporting covers by the artist). The packaging and vape pens for the brand feature Prince’s “Hippie” drawings, which depict child-like and colorful depictions of some heady-looking folks.

Streetwear designer Darren Romanelli has been collaborating with Prince on the branding of Katz + Dogg, and as part of the distribution deal, which will span four of MedMen’s locations in Los Angeles, he’ll unveil a capsule collection and furniture installation at its stores in Robertson and Beverly Hills.

Beanbag chairs by Richard Prince and Darren Romanelli.


“A lot of the philosophy and approach was to create something authentic and unique to the industry,” Romanelli told ARTnews in a phone interview. “We’re really doing this as the first contemporary product in the space.” His offering for the launch will include beanbag-style chairs upholstered with repurposed Grateful Dead T-shirts that have Prince’s “Hippie” characters silkscreened on them.

Romanelli added of the collaboration with MedMen, whose storefronts have been likened to the “Apple Store” of pot: “We’re excited to have it in Med Men, I think it’ll be a nice moment for the industry as a whole.”


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