Allendale Community Association Prez: `Thank you!’
Hello my dear friends, our summer is slowly seeking away. Terrible situation! But we must take advantage if the time we have left of this beautiful weather. There are still festivals and good deeds work going on in Baltimore and our surrounding counties, including the residents in the Allendale Community.

The President of the Allendale Community Association wants to give a huge thanks to all who participated in the Allendale Community Association Cleanup Day last week. She wants to thank Officer Roderick Davis for stopping by and leading a helping hand by providing them with protective gloves to ensure safety while disposing of items in the dumpster, and for ensuring that the environment was safe.

“The dumpster arrived around 9:30 a.m. and was filled within one hour”, she told me. “Residents also swept the alleyways, pulled weeds from fence lines, and helped other residents dispose of their items; a total collective effort”. She also wants to give a special thanks to Mr. Terence Bethea, who valiantly ensured that everything was placed as neatly as possible in the dumpster to avoid items falling off or being displaced.

She continued to say, “Mrs. Fliggins and my next door neighbor had the children out helping too. It was Awesome!” The Allendale Community Association includes the area around the 3300-3400 blk. of W. Mulberry Street, Denison St. 3400 blk. of W. Saratogo Street.
Billie Holiday Music & Arts Festival on Pennsylvania Ave.
My Land of Mercy! Great Balls of kitty-kat! Long time over-due! Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Main Street will host a Billie Holiday Music & Arts Festival for 2 days; Friday and Saturday, August 30 & 31, 1300 Pennsylvania. This is where the Billie Holiday Performance Stage is located where entertainment will be presented from 1-8 p.m.
The music festival at the Robert C. Marshall Fieldwill features top performers in the jazz and entertainment including; Huli Shallone, a gospel group; Panama, Joe Cooper Project, The Emperors, Lafayette Gilchrist, Carolyn Malachi; the Pennsylvania Avenue Cinema screening of “Lady Sings the Blues”; Also there will be “Salute to Nat King Cole at the Arch Social Club, 2426 Pennsylvania Ave; Jazz in the Street at the Avenue Bakery, 2229 Pennsylvania Avenue featuring John Wesley; Boxing History Exhibit featuring Black Boxers at the Upton Boxing Club, 1901 Pennsylvania; ‘Spoken Words of the Youth’ at No Boundaries Coalition, 1801 Pennsylvania; “Soul of the African American Artist” featuring “Bay Bay” Williams; “A Salute to the Giant William “Little Willie” Adams” at the Capital Lounge, 1531 Pennsylvania Avenue; local and national artisans at the Avenue Market; “Sounds of the Youth” featuring Musicians Paradise at the Avenue Market; “Black Ink & Baltimore’s Children Celebration” featuring Black Authors and Youth Skating and Bowling at the Shake & Bake Family Fun Center 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue and so much more. I know you are asking will I be there with my Pennsylvania Avenue Books. And the answer is No! I was not invited. Terrible situation!
More free concerts coming up. Check this out! A free concert in the park on September 7th from 2-6 p.m. at the Lafayette Square Park on the corner of West Lafayette and North Arlington in Baltimore. You will enjoy an afternoon of pure jazz featuring performances by Nasar Abadey on percussion, Sheila Ford, vocalist; Sean Jones on trumpet and; Richard Johnson on piano; Also the Jamal Moore Organix Trio and much more. This is sponsored by the Billie Holiday Project for Liberation Arts. I will see you there!
Oh, I almost forgot! Lexington Market is having a “Back to School Bash!” Featuring about five or 6 DJ’s on Saturday September 7 from 12 to 4 p.m. There will be give-away of school supplies, children’s activities including the Moon Bounce, prizes, music and dancing. All of this is happening on the outdoor parking lot adjacent to the Market Arcade. It is a free family event. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be held indoors. See you there!
Well, my dear friends, it is time for the fat lady to sing! I am out of space. Remember, if you need me call me at: 410-833-9474, or email me at [email protected]
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