By AFRO Staff, Special Contributors
“Prince George’s SPEAKS” is a series branching from the AFRO’s goal of engaging residents in the storytelling of their own communities. To continue providing hyper local accounts to readers, the AFRO has taken to the streets and reached back into neighborhoods to offer residents an opportunity to share their experiences, stories, passions and opinions. Through interviews and submissions the AFRO is amplifying voices from all over D.M.V. area and encouraging residents to “SPEAK.”
A new year often is a moment for people to set objectives to accomplish and overcome. New Year’s Eve 2018, Forbes reported that it is important to set goals as opposed to resolutions.

According to studies, Forbes contributor Ashira Prossack wrote, less than 25 percent of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after 30 days, and only eight percent of people actually accomplish them.
“Goals are specific, whereas resolutions tend to be broad and vague. Goals are much more actionable, which is what makes them more effective,” wrote Prossack.
As the decade ends, and 2020 approaches, the AFRO staff and family is reflecting on lessons of the previous years and hopes and visions for the future.
Anthony Canady: “Focus on what is important–God, family and the future of our community,” Canady said of his 2020 goals. He also said he wants to, “continue to support senior citizens and encourage our youth.”

Pamela Jenkins: “As I ponder my goals for 2020, I took a brief look back at a Vision Board that I created 2 years ago and realized that overall, my purpose had not changed and that I just need to apply it to the specific goals I have for 2020.”

Mark F. Gray: “In 2020, my resolution is to make sure young people get more active in the political process through community service,” Gray said. “I hope to raise political awareness by working to register more voters and help to make millennials understand their role in the electoral process by simplifying the rhetoric while using social and conventional media to awaken them to why their role is so important in this election year.”

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