
Shayne Holland forced to leave apartment pool when police called thegrio.com

Another outrageous situation has surfaced and once again a white woman confronted a Black man at a pool and demanded he leave while questioning his right to be there.

Shayne Holland says he pays $1,600 a month as a renter at the River Crossing Apartments and he’s outraged after being interrogated relentlessly by an off-duty police officer on July 6 about sitting unbothered at the community pool, reports IndyChannel.

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Holland said he had lived at the apartments for 17 months and believes he was racially profiled and that’s why he was asked to leave.

“She didn’t introduce herself, she didn’t say hello,” said Holland. “She says, ‘do you live here?’ I’m like, ‘yes, I live here, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t live here.’”

Holland said the cop refused to leave him alone, even after he produced proof that he lived there.

“I’m like, ‘I live over there, but if you’re asking me for my address, I mean, I don’t feel comfortable giving you my entire address without knowing who you are.”

Holland said he showed the woman his key fob, which gives him access to the pool. The off-duty cop then snatched it out of his hand.

The apartment manager came out and even though she reportedly knew who Holland was, she still demanded that he leave the premises.

Alex Stokely, vice president of Barrett & Stokely, the company that manages River Crossing, told the newspaper that apartment manager has been placed on leave.

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“Honestly, I don’t want to jump to racism. I don’t want to say she just pointed me out because I’m the only Black dude in the pool, but that was the case,” Holland said.

Holland has yet to file a formal complaint with police, according to reports but says he does want an apology.

“If you need to have somebody make sure that it’s safe and make sure that there are not too many people that don’t live at the pool, I don’t mind that. Just let me know that. I don’t think that they did that and I think that could have solved it,” said Holland.


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