
The 2018 Seven on Seven participants. The artists, top row, from left to right: Sean Raspet, Petra Cortright, Sara Cwynar, Tabita Rezaire, Mika Tajima, Avery Singer, Dena Yago. Their collaborators, bottom row, left to right: Francis Tseng, Carl Tashian, Cierra Sherwin, Kenric McDowell, Yasmin Green, Matt Liston, Yalda Mousavinia.
The digital arts nonprofit Rhizome has revealed the list of participants for this year’s Seven on Seven conference, an annual gathering that pairs artists and technologists so that they can produce a project together. The conference’s tenth edition will be held at the New Museum in New York on May 19.
Seven on Seven’s mandate requires the artist-technologist pairings to “make something,” be it an artwork, a prototype, or something else entirely, and the results have, in the past, been diverse. In 2012, Taryn Simon worked with the programmer Aaron Swartz to develop Image Atlas, a work that allows users to put terms into a search engine and see the Google Images results that appear in various countries. Last year, the collective DIS worked with Rachel Haot, the managing director of the “global innovation network” 1776, to produce Polimbo, a Tinder-like site that helps users understand their positions on net neutrality. Other works to come out of Seven on Seven include video-sharing platforms, safe sexting apps, and digital provenance services.
Zachary Kaplan, the executive director of Rhizome, said in a statement, “Over ten editions, [Seven on Seven] has done so much to make the argument that the fields of technology and art must learn from one another, in ways that acknowledge their points of overlap and their specificities. But at the same time, it’s an opportunity to think about the future. Critiques of technology’s effects have become increasingly mainstream; what sort of alternatives might be imagined as part of Seven on Seven over the next decade?”
Below are a list of the artist-technologist pairings at this year’s Seven on Seven.
- Petra Cortright, artist, and Carl Tashian, engineer and entrepreneur
- Sara Cwynar, artist, and Cierra Sherwin, director of Color Product Development, Glossier
- Sean Raspet, artist and Nonfood cofounder, and Francis Tseng, designer and developer
- Tabita Rezaire, artist, and Kenric McDowell, director, Google Artists and Machine Intelligence
- Avery Singer, artist, and Matt Liston, founding member and ambassador, Gnosis
- Mika Tajima, artist, and Yasmin Green, R&D Director, Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc.
- Dena Yago, artist, and Yalda Mousavinia, founder, Space Cooperative
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