

O.J. Simpson, the Pro Football Hall of Famer who has led a life of infamy over the past couple of decades, has a word of warning for his “buddy” President Trump.

Simpson and the president have been friends for more than 20 years and he even got invited to Trump’s second wedding to Marla Maples. Over the years their relationship has had its ups and downs, so Tuesday when TMZ caught up with the Heisman Trophy winner, they asked him to share his thoughts on how Trump is doing in his role as POTUS.

“What do you think about your buddy’s State of the Union tonight?” TMZ asked.

READ MORE: O.J. Simpson praises Trump and blasts Colin Kaepernick in crazy post-prison interview

“Donald is a buddy, he’s a fun guy, but I don’t know the president,” Simpson replied. “I knew Donald — he was a fun guy — I don’t know the president,” replied Simpson.

“Do you think he’s going to get impeached?” the website pushed.

“If he keeps hanging around with … people like that Roger Stone,” he answered.

READ MORE: O.J. Simpson granted parole after nearly 9 years in prison

Simpson, who is no stranger to legal troubles, and who stood trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her companion Ron Goldman in the 90s, seemed annoyed by Stone’s complaints that his arrest was worse than Osama bin Laden.

“I got raided by the FBI in Miami,” he recalled.

“The FBI can be wrong, but to try and compare it to El Chapo and bin Laden? Hey man, bin Laden was carried out in a bag, not walked out in handcuffs,” he continued. “So man up, stop crying.”


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