

Institutional Racism by Khefa Nosakhere
(Bookcover and author, Khefa Nosakhere)

Nationwide (BlackNews.com) — Khefa Nosakhere has released his first non-fiction work entitled Institutional Racism and the Search for African American Masculinity and Identity in Selected Works of Richard Wright.

The book addresses how institutional racism and white male supremacy have intimately shaped the lives of Bigger Thomas (Native Son), Richard Wright (Black Boy) and Fred Daniels (The Man Who Lived Underground). The book also answers how both social maladies maliciously target and impact Black men to this day.

Khefa analyzes the historical, economic and social aspects of white male supremacy and institutional racism. His book addresses the following topics:

* Gender-Identity Studies
* Race Relations
* Economics
* Sociology
* African American Literature – Black Studies
* Pipeline to Prison
* Industrial Prison Complex

Book Details:

Institutional Racism and the Search for African American Masculinity and Identity in Selected Works of Richard Wright
By Khefa Nosakhere
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020903442
ISBN: 9781521556849
Available on Amazon

About the Author
Professor Khefa Nosakhere is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. He holds a BA in Literature and Language from the University of Southern California as well as a Masters degree in literature. His literary specialities are: 20th century literature, major authors, African American culture and Black Literary Criticism. He is a master of the Marvel Universe, and is hopelessly addicted to crab legs. He has successfully avoided several interventions.


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