
By Sean Yoes, Baltimore AFRO Editor, [email protected]

For the second time in a row, a Baltimore Ceasefire weekend has ended with no homicides due to shootings or stabbings. The result of the Mother’s Day Ceasefire is particularly welcome since Baltimore had endured a recent spike in violence and homicides in April and the first week of May (32 homicides registered in April and eight in the first eight days of May).

There were almost 50 events promoting peace connected to the Ceasefire weekend throughout the city and the movement continues to gain recognition locally, nationally and internationally. On May 15, the youth advocacy group, Community Law in Action will honor Baltimore Ceasefire 365 with its “Inspiring Voices Award,” during an event at the Belvedere Hotel in Mt. Vernon, with Mayor Catherine Pugh and Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools, among the attendees.

“There are people outside of Baltimore who are vying for our success,” said Letrice Gant, one of Ceasefire’s leaders. “People outside of Baltimore want us to be successful also…somebody from South Africa commented on one of our Instagram posts (saying), `We want you all to be successful.’ So, I’m very excited about that.”

Although there were no deaths during the 72 hour Ceasefire period due to shootings or stabbings, there were two shootings that did not end in death over the weekend. And a two-month old baby died May 12, of blunt force trauma according to the medical examiner. Tiffany Nutter, 35, was arrested and charged with homicide for the death of her son, Jawuan Pinkeny, according to police.

Ultimately, Gant says more Baltimore residents who are vulnerable to violence are buying into the Ceasefire movement.

“We want to keep that vibration high and keep that energy going, because we can’t afford to keep losing our people,” said Gant. “We can’t afford to keep losing our young Black men and our young Black women and our elders, we can’t afford that.”


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