
Greek terracotta vase in the form of a lobster claw, ca. 460 B.C.



One of Salvador Dalí’s amazing lobster telephones (a nice one in white) will remain in the UK after it was acquired by the National Galleries of Scotland. “The lobster telephone had been sold at a Christie’s auction to a foreign buyer but was regarded as too important to be allowed to leave the country. Ministers placed an export bar on the item to allow a UK gallery time to raise the necessary funds.” [The Guardian]

On Walton Ford’s seemingly naturalistic paintings of animals in the wild, which tend to hold out certain kinds of surprise: “Something’s always outrageously off …. the gorilla is holding a human skull; a couple of parrots are mating on the shaft of an elephant’s penis.” [The New York Review of Books]

The Sardinian donkeys at the upstate New York destination Magazzino Italian art are getting woolly for the winter! [Instagram]


“Brazil’s National Museum closes the year on a poignant note. With partnerships with the Smithsonian and Google as well as donations, the institution soldiers on.” [The Art Newspaper]

About 2018, Forbes says, “One of the most notable changes was the increase in vibrant conversation around blockchain, which is being introduced to broaden the market’s transparency, track ownership and provenance, and provide an infrastructure for the tokenization of fractional artwork sales.” [Forbes]


The Paris Review has a spirited appreciation of chartreuse, “the color of elixirs, flappers, and alternate realities.” Fun fact: “The color chartreuse is named for the liqueur. Like orange, which began as a fruit, this sharp and bright shade of green only secondarily became a color.” [The Paris Review]

“Exonerated after 16 years in prison, Kristine Bunch ate a celebratory meal of scallops, cheese grits, a platter of hummus and vegetables, and champagne. It was a meal that became the first image by artist Julie Green in her series ‘First Meal,’ a project supported by the Oregon State University Center for the Humanities.” [NPR]

Jarrett Earnest wrote about “Matthew Leifheit and Nicole Wittenberg’s art-historical machines for desire.” [Vulture]

“Michel Gondry’s son has an art gallery in their Williamsburg living room.” [Vulture]

Here’s a video trailer for the upcoming Elias Sime exhibition “Tightrope” at the Wellin Museum of Art, including some nice shots of the Ethiopian artist at work. [YouTube]


The Cleveland Museum of Art acquired the delicious-looking Still Life with Meat, Fish, Vegetables and Fruit (1615-1620) by Flemish painter Jacob van Hulsdonck. [Cleveland.com]

Art Basel Miami star (he performed at a party ARTnews hosted with Young Arts) Lil Wayne holds forth on pressing issues of the day in a new video interview for The Bumbu Room. Among the topics are “Nicki vs. Rihanna, real vs. fake booties, Jordan vs. Kobe, and more.” [YouTube]


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