
Cecil Taylor.


Ladies First

Former NASA scientist Ellen Stofan is the first female director of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. [Washington Post]

The Paris Review announced Emily Nemens, formerly of The Southern Review, as their new editor. Seattle-born Nemens “studied art history and studio art at Brown University, she worked in editorial roles at the Center for Architecture and the Metropolitan Museum of Art before moving to Louisiana.” [New York Times]

Eye Candy

Scroll through Queens-based photographer Elle Perez’s intimate photo series, “In Bloom,” which affectionately captures LGBTQ youth and youth culture. [The New Yorker]

Photographer Stan Douglas opens up to The Guardian about what he considers his best photograph: a staged scene at a horse race for his “Crowds and Riots” series. [The Guardian]

Read Jerry Saltz’s euphoric, lurid write-up of the two new Cy Twombly paintings on display at Larry Gagosian Gallery. Saltz’s description of the relationship between Twombly and Robert Rauschenberg reads like a spec script for Call Me By Your Name 2. [Vulture]

Industry Talk

The Met announced that they would return three looted artifacts to their countries of origin: an idol of the goddess Durga returns to Northern India, and two stone sculptures to Nepal. [Artnet News]

Listen to Geoffrey Marsh, the director of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, chat with Art Agency Partners about his wildly successful “David Bowie Is” show. [Art Agency Partners]

In case you missed it: Here’s a story to provoke some envy. An American couple bought a brass Brancusi sculpture in 1955 for $5,000. Today, Christie’s estimates they could see a 1,400,000 percent return. [Bloomberg]

Lastly, a sad one, free jazz legend Cecil Taylor has died at the age of 89. An obituary will follow on ARTnews. [Clash] (UPDATE, 11:35 a.m.: The ARTnews tribute is here.)


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