
Liron Gertsman’s photograph of cobalt-wing parakeets in the Amazon.


Public Good

Artist Ebony G. Patterson has mounted a Kickstarter campaign to fund a public art project as part of “Open Spaces” in Kansas City—four benches that “will live on in the park after providing contemplative spaces to rest and reflect on her site-specific installation.” [Kickstarter]

Arte al Rescate (“Art to the Rescue” in Spanish) is a non-profit founded in Chicago for the sake of providing hurricane relief to Puerto Rico. Work remains. [Chicago Tribune]


“I had to wait three days to get this picture, but, when the moment came, it was breathtaking.” So says Liron Gertsman in tribute to a very cool photograph of cobalt-winged parakeets in the Amazon. [The Guardian]

“Is it possible to change the narrative of fashion photography—to see the body not as a hypersexualized projection of desire, but an active force of aesthetic oddness?” [The Cut]

Behold an ode to photos of motel pools. [The Paris Review]

The fine art of skateboarding photography comes in for due attention in an exhibition in London (and set to travel) titled “Against the Grain: Skate Culture and the Camera.” [The Guardian]


The Red Bull Arts program (which, in New York, currently has a great show of Rammellzee) has made some changes in Detroit, with new fellowships and microgrants on offer. [Crain’s Detroit]

Josephine Meckseper’s flag for Creative Time’s nationwide protest project “Pledges of Allegiance” courted controversy in Kansas. “An art display that included an altered U.S. flag will be moved from an outside display on the University of Kansas campus to the school’s art museum after Gov. Jeff Colyer and other Republican political candidates complained that it was disrespectful.” [ABC News]

“A federal appeals court has ruled that visual artists will no longer be entitled to royalties from resales of their work in California—a decision that may discourage other states from considering royalty laws.” [The New York Times]


In mind of yesterday’s win for Croatia in the World Cup, check out some of tributes there to mark the birthday of the famous Croatian Nikola Tesla—including a fantastic statue. [Croatia Week]

Frieze has a review of the must-see Bruno Munari show at Andrew Kreps gallery in New York, with a survey of the artist/designer’s “mind-boggling experiments in genre and classification.” (Star status goes to a hilarious piece of misshapen furniture titled Chair for Brief Visits.) [Frieze]

Whitney—a forthcoming movie about pop singer Whitney Houston that recently won the award for best documentary at Edinburgh Film Festival—features a haunting soundtrack by Adam Wiltzie from the great ambient-music duo Stars of the Lid. [Pitchfork]


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