November 17, 2023
Morgan State University has explicitly received several new federal and private contracts and more than $40 million in research awards in the first half of 2023 alone.
Morgan State University has unveiled new plans for a Science and Research Complex, Fox 45 News reports. The $342 million project is expected to open in Fall 2027 and will be led by architects Moody Nolan, Inc., along with Cannon Design and K. Dixon Architecture. 
The university’s president, David K. Wilson, discussed the new venture as part of a years-long initiative to renovate Morgan State University and turn it into a prestigious research institution. “The visionary design for Morgan’s new Science and Research Complex represents the culmination of more than a decade-long journey to deliver a world-class academic and research facility that is commensurate with the research capacity and output that is representative of this very consequential institution,” he said. The 8-story building will span 246,000 square foot acres and be located near E. Cold Spring Lane and Stadium Way. 
Earlier this year, President Wilson announced plans to expand Morgan State University in hopes of rivaling the country’s top Ivy League schools. “Our university is raising its hand and saying this is our time for Morgan to bellow across the state and nation that ‘This is how a public anchor institution can lead to a transformation of our city,’” Wilson had told the Baltimore Business Journal.
Though his predecessors have made such ambitious claims before, the plans never reached fruition due to poor state funding. However, Wilson has overcome such hurdles since becoming president, as many historically Black colleges and universities in Maryland have received more endowments from the state than before.
Morgan State University has explicitly received several new federal and private contracts and more than $40 million in research awards in the first half of 2023 alone. These changes have been in the works for several years, and now, President Wilson is actively doing the work needed to create a difference.

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