
By BRIAN WITTE Associated Press

BALTIMORE (AP) — A candidate in the race for a new speaker of Maryland’s House of Delegates dropped out Friday and endorsed Del. Dereck Davis in hopes of unifying Black lawmakers to elect the first Black speaker in the state’s history.

Davis and Del. Adrienne Jones, who are both Democrats, made the announcement at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History and Culture in Baltimore with Del. Talmadge Branch, a Democrat who is the House majority whip.

Deleget Dereck Davis, center, takes questions from reporters after Del. Adrienne Jones, right, announced she would withdraw from the race for speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates and support Davis on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Baltimore. Del. Talmadge Branch is standing left. (AP Photo/Brian Witte)

“We as a people are in difficult times, and unity must outweigh politics and pride,” Jones said. “It is for that reason that I am calling for the Legislative Black Caucus to unite and join me in supporting Del. Dereck E. Davis as the next speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates.”

The announcement Friday made the race a particularly public struggle between a progressive White Democrat who chairs the House Appropriations Committee and a Black lawmaker who chairs the House Economic Matters Committee. It’s in contrast to when Michael Busch quickly secured the votes to become speaker the last time the office was vacant in 2003 — after Casper Taylor lost his reelection bid in 2002.

“I think some of it is we’ve never actually, during my time, had a real speaker’s race, period,” said Davis, of Prince George’s County, who has been in office since 1995. “Personally, I think this is good for our democracy. Coronations are never good.”

Del. Maggie McIntosh, who is a White Baltimore Democrat, also is running for speaker. The race is bound to make history, with either McIntosh or Davis victory. Only White men have held the speaker’s office in Maryland.

“This is an important race at a pivotal moment in the Maryland House of Delegates,” Davis said.

“We’re attempting to break glass ceilings in the next election for speaker — no matter who it may be.”

The chamber is scheduled to vote Wednesday in a special session for a new speaker, after Busch died earlier this month , the day before the end of the 90-day legislative session. Busch was the longest-serving speaker in state history.

It takes a majority of votes in the 141-member chamber to elect a speaker. There are now 98 Democrats and 42 Republicans in the House. Forty-five of the chamber’s Democrats are Black.

Maryland’s population is about 30 percent Black. A new member to replace Busch was named late Thursday night, but Shaneka Henson has not yet been officially appointed to the seat, and it was unclear whether she would be by Wednesday.

The speaker of the House is one of the most powerful positions in state government. One of the office’s biggest powers comes from assigning lawmakers to committees and appointing the chairs of six committees that shape legislation and decide what measures advance in the chamber.

McIntosh said Friday that she believes she’s easily at about 60 votes in the Democratic caucus. She said she believed the only question was whether the speakership would be settled in a unifying fashion in the caucus or if Davis would take the contest to the floor.

“I’m continuing to shore up my votes, continuing to make sure the people who are committed to me are staying with me,” McIntosh said.

She also said she believes there should be more African American chairs of the House’s six committees. Davis is now the only one.

The chamber’s 42 Republicans have pledged to vote together for one candidate. Del. Nic Kipke, the House minority leader, said he won’t make up his mind until Wednesday.

“What we in the Republican caucus want is a speaker who will treat us fairly, invite us to have a seat at the table, and preside as speaker in a manner that is in the best interest of all Marylanders, not partisan groups or politically connected groups,” Kipke said in an interview Thursday.

Branch said it will be a challenging contest.

“From what I can see, it’s going to be interesting,” said Branch, who is supporting Davis. “It’s no one person’s race. I can say that. I can tell you, it’s not going to be easy for either, but I think Davis can win — in the caucus.”


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