
Jolie’s Maleficent has cheekbones like tabletop corners and sinister might, but Pfeiffer’s Queen Ingrith is packing a crossbow.

The clip, posted Monday, revolves around the wedding of Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning) and Ingrith’s son Prince Philip. Maleficent does not approve, telling goddaughter Aurora: “Love doesn’t always end well.”

Ingrith stokes Maleficent’s ire at a banquet by declaring that Aurora “will finally get the love of a real mother. Tonight I consider Aurora my own.”

Sure, Ingrith, tick off the powerful horned fairy whose title literally has “evil” in it for this anticipated sequel.

We’ll be there when it kicks off with popcorn at the ready.

“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” opens Oct. 18.


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