
Republican Sen. Thom Tillis flipped his vote today on the emergency declaration disapproval resolution and voted against the measure because he was coming under tremendous pressure to remain loyal to President Trump, according to a North Carolina GOP official. 

The official said Tillis, who represents North Carolina, is “getting hit hard in the state…” over his initial embrace of the Democratic resolution rebuking Trump.

Why that matters: Tillis is almost certainly facing a primary challenge, the official said, pointing to Raleigh businessman Garland Tucker. 

Asked if he was worried about a primary challenge if he had voted for the disapproval resolution, Tillis said, “No, I’ve naturally assumed I was going to have a primary challenge. It usually happens in every election cycle in North Carolina.”

Tillis said that he had a “repeated number of discussions” with Vice President Mike Pence about the vote.


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