
Nude female figure from Levant, Lachish (modern Tell ed-Duweir), ca. 8th–7th century B.C.



Whitney Museum vice chair Warren B. Kanders defended himself in a reply to an open letter calling for his removal. Among his points of contention is “the politicization of every aspect of public life.” [ARTnews]

“Artist Tania Bruguera and Bienal de La Habana organizers Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara and Yanelys Nuñez Leyva were among those arrested on Monday for planning a sit-in at the Ministry of Culture in Havana in protest of a government decree that aims to eradicate independent cultural activity days before it will go into effect.” [Artforum]


“The Blinky Neon Vagina Artist Returns to Art Basel Miami Beach, With Lumpy Monumental #MeToo Totems.” [Vulture]

“Is live artistic nudity more than titillation?” The Guardian takes stock of artists taking off clothes and wonders, “Is it still radical, or just lazy?” [The Guardian]

New Art

Street artist Ron English vowed to whitewash a $730,000 Banksy mural, adding that he “expects the piece to gain value after his intervention and that he will resell the result for a profit. He said he plans to donate the profit to a charity that fights sweatshops.” [Los Angeles Times]

Google’s Art & Culture app added a new feature in relation to all the known paintings of Johannes Vermeer. “What makes this presentation unique is that the company actually constructed a miniature 3D art gallery that can utilize your phone’s AR functionality to plop into physical space in front of you.” [Techcrunch]

“How do you make classical art speak to the contemporary condition? This was the question that inspired the founder of the Instagram account @drugowl . . . a meme account that captions art-canon masterworks with comments about sexting and the munchies.” [Vulture]

The Paris Review has a review of the new show “Jewelry: The Body Transformed” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “When I walk through museum galleries, stocked with the bravest of human efforts suspended luminescent on canvas or rising in harmonious stone,” writes Julia Berick, “I feel covetous.” [The Paris Review]


The musicians Oneohtrix Point Never and Mica Levi talked about composing movie music on The A24 Podcast. (OPN wrote the score for Good Time, while Levi did for Jackie and Under the Skin.) [iTunes]

“How George H.W. Bush is being saluted”—through the eyes of political cartoonists. [The Washington Post]

New York City is considering granting landmark status to the beloved Strand bookstore. One hitch: the Strand doesn’t want it. [The New York Times]


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