
Street view of 99 Cent Fine Arts


The gallery 99 Cents Fine Art on Canal Street in New York is hosting a recovered section of Keith Haring’s Untitled (FDR NY), a mural from 1984 that ran along FDR Drive in Lower Manhattan. For the duration of the exhibit, on view through April 30, the work will be viewable 24 hours a day so as to emphasize the accessibility inherent in street art. Jose Martos, the mastermind behind the work’s homecoming, told ARTnews, “This is really bringing the work back to where it belongs: to the street and to any person.”

The section of the former 300-foot-long mural features several of Haring’s signature elements: a barking dog, a TV set, and, of course, dancing people. Wear is evident, especially in a portion that has an overlay of graffiti from another artist. But it’s easy to imagine Haring approving of the addition—as the gallery announcement notes, the artist wrote of the work in his journal in 1989 that deterioration “somehow . . . makes it look even better.”


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