Reporter, HuffPost
“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah on Wednesday mocked podcaster Joe Rogan for his hot take on the term “Black.”
Rogan, during a podcast episode this week with controversial professor Jordan Peterson, said that “unless you are talking to someone who is, like, 100% African from the darkest place where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they have developed all of that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, even the term Black is weird.”
Noah feigned surprise at Rogan’s comments.
“Oh my God! I’m not Black! I’m not Black! Joe Rogan’s right! I’m like a caramel mocha frappuccino. This changes everything, this changes everything,” he sarcastically declared.
Noah ran off set. Police sirens blared. Then it cut back to Noah back at his desk.
“The police said I’m Black,” the comedian deadpanned.
At least the race blather was a change from Rogan’s amplification of coronavirus misinformation, cracked Noah.
Noah then broke things down for Rogan, who is white:
The things these guys seem to be ignoring is that Black people didn’t call themselves Black. You understand that, right? It’s not like Black people were like, ‘We’re Black.’ No. In Africa, we have tribes, we have cultures. Zulu, Xhosa, Baganda, Igbo, Wakandans! But then white people got there, and they were like, ‘Wow. There’s a lot of Black people here. A lot of Black people.’ Then in America, they invented a rule that if you had one drop of Black blood in you, that makes you Black, which defined how you were treated by the government and by society.
Watch the video here:
Reporter, HuffPost