
Ethan Hawke, welcome to (potty) training day.

In the latest episode of the “Tonight Show,” it’s pretty clear that Jimmy Fallon’s daughters, Winnie, 6, and Franny, 5, have completely taken over the host’s household. Despite Fallon telling them to stay away as he was talking to Hawke, the pair immediately rushed and overwhelmed their dad, effectively hijacking the interview.

Why did they ignore Fallon’s desperate pleas? Are they just big fans of “First Reformed”? What about “Dead Poets Society”? O Captain, my Captain, not a chance.

This is Winnie and Franny’s world. Fallon is just living in it.

Hawke loved the unexpected guests, saying, “Jimmy, that is definitely the best moment I’ve ever had on television.” And with encouragement like that, you can probably expect the pair’s late night lawlessness to continue.


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